New JACS paper

Our manuscript on divalent lanthanide catalysis has just been accepted. Check out the Publications page for more.

Congratulations to Monika, Rohan, Daniel, and our wonderful collaborator Anders Thapper!

New Paper in JPP

Carina Sollert (former Erasmus and MSc-student) Daniel Kocsi have got their paper describing the synthesis of glycosylated pyrroles and oligopyrroles accepted in the Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. Excellent work, Carina & Dani, and many thanks to Reuben and Andreas for the crystal structure!

We’re looking for a post doc

The position has been filled.

There is an opening for a post doc in the group funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation. The project concerns the synthesis, characterization, and applications of lanthanide(III) complexes.

We’re looking for someone with strong synthetic skills. Experience with luminescence spectroscopy and/or electrochemistry is an advantage. Previous experience with lanthanide coordination compounds is not a requirement.

To apply, please send your CV, list of publications (not the actual papers!), a 2-page summary of your previous research experience, and contact information for 3 professional references to (subject: KAW 2021). Applications not following these guidelines will not be considered.

Paper in Molecules

Salauat, Emilie, Fiona, Daniel, and Ellen have a new manuscript accepted for publication in Molecules. The paper will be part of a special issue on luminescent lanthanide complexes. Nice work, everyone!

Paper accepted!

Anna and Rui have written a paper on the demetalation kinetics of synthetic chlorins. It’s now accepted (yay!) and will be published in the special issue of Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry dedicated to the International Symposium on Metal Complexes 2019.