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Manuscript accepted in JPP

Rui & Anna’s manuscript on the difficulties in making N-confused chlorins has just been accepted for publication. It will be part of the upcoming special issue (Women in porphyrin science) of the Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines.

JACS communication accepted

Ruisheng’s work on multiplex spectroscopy in the biologically relevant red/near infrared region has just been accepted in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! Check it out here.

Well done, Dr. Xiong, and our Gent collaborators: Dimitrije, Jing and Rik!

Lots of new people in the group!

Dulcie Phipps is an Erasmus student from the University of Glasgow, who is staying in Uppsala for 9 months. Ellen Demeyere is an exchange student from the University of Ghent, doing an undergraduate research project. Agnès Sipos is here for an MSc-project from the ENS in Paris. Finally, Dr. Kiran Reddy Baddigam is a Wenner-Gren post doctoral fellow.