Author Archives: admin

Two positions available in the group

A four-year PhD-studentship in lanthanide chemistry is available. The application deadline is the end of January 2018. The expected start date is preferably soon afterwards, but somewhat flexible. Details and link to the announcement:

(Please note that all applications must go through the online system. Applications directly emailed to me will not be considered.)

A 2-year post doc fellowship is also available, for details see:

Joining the group


JACS paper!

Congratulations Dani & Julien and our collaborators Henry, Livia and Marjam on the acceptance of your manuscript in J. Am. Chem. Soc.!

New group members

Matthieu Soete joins the group as an exchange student from the University of Ghent, he’s synthesizing bioconjugatable chlorins. Aritz is back for a second round of PhD-exchange from the University of Toulouse. Aritz is working on both chlorins and lanthanides.


Anna’s paper on ferrocene-substituted chlorins has been accepted in Inorg. Chem. Congratulations, Anna, and our excellent collaborator, Andreas!

New paper!

Congrats to Rui, Anna-Bea and Anna for having your manuscript on chlorin polymers accepted in Chem. Eur. J.! Thanks for an excellent collaboration, Docent Orthaber!

New paper accepted

Congratulations, Sashi and Dani for the acceptance of your paper in Inorg. Chim. Acta. This paper will be part of the 50th anniversary issue ‘Inorganic Chemistry – The Next Generation‘.

new group members

New members for the Spring term are Anna-Bea (MSc-student), Ole (Erasmus from Freie Uni, Berlin), and Vic (exchange student from Ghent Uni). Aritz, who is now a PhD-student at the U. of Toulouse is also back for an exchange. Welcome, everyone!